Legal Disclaimer


F.I.L.A. – Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini S.p.A
Legal, Administrative and Commercial Headquarters
Via XXV Aprile, 5 – 20016 Pero (MI)
Tax / VAT No. 08391050963
International VAT No.: 08391050963
Tel. +39 02 38105.1 Fax +39 02 3538546
E-mail: – Web:
Share Capital Euro 46.985.772,68 fully paid-in
Milan Chamber of Commerce & Economic and Administrative Register No.: 2022589

Management and control as per Article 2497-bis of the Civil Code: the Company is not considered under the management and control of the parent company Pencil S.p.A. in accordance with Article 2497-bis of the Civil Code.

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The website (the “Website”) is exclusively owned by F.I.L.A. Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini S.p.A. (“F.I.L.A.”), was created for disclosure, communication and entertainment purposes and is made available to users for personal and not commercial purposes.

The F.I.LA. brand, the product brands and the F.I.LA. promotions communicated in the pages of the Website (including the relative company logos) and all other related denominative and representative signs and slogans (the “F.I.LA. Brands”) are exclusively owned by F.I.LA.; any usage or reproduction of such for any purposes, or through any means, is expressly and entirely prohibited and will be prosecuted by F.I.LA. in accordance with law.

The brands, logos and third party characters reproduced on the Website are exclusively owned by the respective holders, who have authorised their use: any reproduction is prohibited.

The web pages which comprise the Website and that contained therein (including for example purposes and not exhaustive: text, images, graphics, sounds) are protected by F.I.LA.’s copyright and include material whose use is duly authorised; therefore the reproduction, duplication, publication and transmission of such (in full or in part) in any form, or by any means, is prohibited.

No reproduction of the Website or its constituent parts may sold or distributed for commercial purposes.

The downloading of material present on the Website is permitted only if expressly authorised by appropriate indication within the website pages; this authorisation exclusively concerns the personal and not commercial usage of the material downloaded, while any other form of utilisation is strictly prohibited. None of that present on the Website may be interpreted as express or tacit license in favour for third parties to utilise the F.I.LA. brands, texts, images, graphics and sounds or any other elements subject to copyright as per the preceding paragraphs.

Any sending of Website material by Users is governed by the specific sections of the Regulations establishing the conditions for the sending of material and to which reference should be made; prior to sending, it is recommended to carefully read the Regulations.

F.I.LA. operates with the maximum possible diligence in order to select and update the content of the Website; in any case, F.I.LA. denies any responsibility in the case in which the information reported is incomplete or contains errors of any nature.

F.I.LA. denies any responsibility for any damage to Users and to their property following access to the Website, from an inability to access the Website and from downloading the material present on the Website, where permitted, including damage to the computer equipment of Users from viruses.


This website and the websites linked to it are thoroughly reviewed by F.I.LA.. Therefore there is no content which may be damaging to children. The products advertised may not be purchased directly through the website.

In any case, F.I.LA. is responsible only and exclusively for the content of its websites and is not responsible for the content of the website of third parties for which an authorised link exists, as the company does not exercise any control over such.